samedi 28 mai 2011

To focus the project on the garden

Before decamping to Trenelle they slaves in plantation houses, owned by colons. They worked in the cane fields, they have a history of farming and tending their own crops to survive and feed themselves.
The first inhabitants of Trenelle lived in slums and gardened to survive. Before they arrive there, they lived in houses belonging to owner of the sugar factories. Their parents when they were slaves and worked  too in the sugar factories farmed the land for living.
As Gardening was a way to survive in slavery and working times until crisis of sugar factory in sixties, today for inhabitants of Trenelle, gardening is way to root in this world. Here, having a garden is also necessary as having a roof.
So the garden is a really strong social, political and cultural purpose for these inhabitants.

That's why I decided to focus my project on the garden.

mercredi 25 mai 2011

The ladder

Like I said, in this neighbourhood, free space between houses is very limited, sometimes, it's disappeared. So actually people have less and less space to garden. And in the same time, 40% of the inhabitants are unemployed. That's why I think, it can be interesting to propose a structure to increase way of gardening.

So, in the first time, I decide to propose a ladder to grow vegetables to an inhabitant. This one is made with materials that people can find not far away from the place they live.
Bamboo comes from the bottom of the neighbourhood near the river.
Plywood comes from materials that people keep when people built their house.
Bags are recyclables bags that people keep from supermarket or they make with fabrics.

In that way I propose a plan proportions so that inhabitants make their own ladder.

Back from ENSCI les Ateliers, I ask to four students make a ladder from this plan, using materials they want.

samedi 21 mai 2011

A "cueille fruit"

A "cueille fruit" is an object that pick fruit in the tree. This device is also created following an observation of practice in the area. Despite the high density in Trenelle, there are still many fruit trees. They serve food, but also marks the demarcation of plots of the inhabitants. 

These trees often have an owner, but sometimes they do not belong to anyone and they are found in the common area, caught between the private spaces.
Widely used in the campaign, it has a private use. I redesigned this object and a scenario from the perspective of collective use.

Together, the garden association, a municipal elected, inhabitants jointly choose the trees in the common area which shall be deposited the "fruit picked". They are available to people living near the tree. After use, it is placed in its original location.

Production process is also explained and described to members of the garden association.

With one stalk of bamboo you can obtain a "cueille fruit".


mercredi 11 mai 2011

soil and coconut roll

My third device is installed in places surrounded by houses
Workers from local authorities at the request of the residents install a sheet of fabric made of coconut.

 They also bring soil

After that residents grow vegetables in it .
Here the containing in public and the content is private.

Thus, my devices are aimed at the population with 3 levels:
directly with inhabitants 
by the association of the neighbourhood
by the intervention of local authorities.

It depends on the complexity of the project